ICOM IC-905 Description

 ICOM Description IC-905

The Icom IC-905 offers professional RF technology for the highest frequencies, in a design that is accessible to every radio amateur. As usual for such high frequencies (the IC-905 offers operation up to 10 GHz), the entire RF technology is weatherproofed on the mast, very close to the antennas. This avoids cable losses.

Operation is via a controller that looks exactly like the popular IC-705 and is also operated in exactly the same way. The large, colour LC display is touch-sensitive, and many functions such as band selection, operating mode, etc. can be controlled here. The loudspeaker on the front ensures good intelligibility; alternatively, the loudspeaker microphone or headphones can be connected on the side.

The IC-905 offers all common operating modes, i.e. SSB and CW, AM, FM and with D-Star also digital voice operation. DV and DD modes are supported, DD mode with up to 128 kb/s. The IC-905 can also act as an access point for D-Star and be operated in terminal mode. D-Star picture transmission is also supported.

Another special feature of the IC-905 is the FM ATV mode, i.e. analogue amateur television. AV inputs and outputs are available for this, so an extremely inexpensive analogue camera is used (option). The received TV picture can be displayed full screen on the built-in display. This allows excellent ATV QSOs, with appropriate antennas even at long distances.

With the design of the IC-905, Icom is breaking new ground in many areas. Up to now, the higher frequency bands such as 13 or 6 cm were only accessible for self-built devices. Accordingly, the activity on these bands was low. That the operation on the SHF bands can be very fascinating is shown by many reports about rain scatter on 10 GHz, or also the operation on the QO-100 satellite. And even if you don't have a large antenna mast or your own house available, the IC-905 with its compact design offers ideal possibilities for portable operation, for example from elevated locations. With the IC-905 all-mode transceiver now on offer, these high amateur radio bands will certainly enjoy greater popularity in the future. be used via a CX-10G HF unit. This box, which is also weatherproof, is also attached directly to the mast near the antenna. The CX-10G option is connected to the HF unit via a control cable, and the GPSDO reference clock is also passed on to this unit. The transmitting power on 10 GHz is 500 mW.

The IC-905's control unit inherits the look and ease of use from the popular IC-705 transceiver. The colour touch display is 4.5 inches, spectrum and waterfall display with adjustable bandwidths are available.